Wednesday 21 April 2010

What is it?

What is it that makes for an organised house?  Hmmm I dont know but if anyone finds out how to make it work more completely in my house please let me know.  I have to say I miss the time when we had the lovely Rose and visit our house in Brunei twice a week to clean.  She used to help me out when I had a party and other such things.  I love everything to have a home and a place of their own.  If only the children all knew this then I would not be running around so much tripping over toys.

Really what is about being a multitasking mother that keeps us going.  Maybe it is just the great fun times we have.

Here are a couple of such moments.

The credits are here at Nuts4Digi.

And this one just full of fun

The credits for this one can be found here at Weeds and Wildflowers

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