Monday 20 September 2010

Steak and Kidney Crockpot

I have frequently over the last few months made a steak and kidney crockpot meal.  This has happened out of necessity and because I happened to have a plentiful supply of this meat in my freezer.  So I thought that I would take the time to blog this recipe because it is simple and when you are a busy mum like me that is essential.

Steak and Kidney Crockpot

500g of steak and kidney
 1 - 1 1/2 cupts any leftover veg washed and diced
1 cup frozen mixed vege
curry powder to taste
salt and peper to taste
1 tsp beef stock
1400g tin of diced tomatoes

Throw all the ingredients into your crockpot and cook on low for about 8 hours. 

Serve over a bed of rice.

So I will be back to update this post with a photo as mine didn't turn out in focus.  Sorry.

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