Sunday 13 February 2011

Ten - An interview with my DD

It has been a couple of months since McKenzie turned 10.  So I thought that I might just interview her to find out what she was thinking about the world now that this auspicous moment had arrived.

I decided to interview her and try and understand all bit about what she was thinking.

What is the best thing about being 10?

(Interview of McKenzie today)

I am a double digit.
I am an even number that means I am even
I have a zero in my age
I am old enough to have sleepovers
I get to wear whatever earings I like.(thats what she thinks)
I am trusted so I can do some things by myself.
I get to make decision for myself
I can depend on myself
I get more challenging work at schook which I like
I am trusted with more valuable things, my ipod.

Definitely thoughts to scrap.

Credits can be found here

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