Here is a LO of my DS2 and his letter to Santa

Everything from Once Upon a Christmas by Lili and Emily Merritt from except Summer Santa, fairy lights from Surf Santa Kit by WW Frame from Full of Wonder by WW
Font is Santa Sleigh
You can look at this LO more closely at Nuts4Digi Dear Santa
The conversation I have recorded was just the tip of the excitement that is rising in our house at the moment. What is it about children and Christmas.
Further to this excitement DS2 is going for his first school visit tomorrow. He will stay until lunchtime and then come home. He will start school officially on the first day of the school year in February 2009. This is the first school day when he is five and legally able to attend school. He is just so excited as he is going to be a big boy. My how time does fly. He is my baby and always will be but I will no longer have a child at home during the days. What will I do with myself?
Well enough prattling about myself.