I am back to the reality of life after being on holiday in Wellington.
So my list for this weeks is diverse. I hope there is something in here that you might like.
- There have been lots of thing written about Miley Cyrus lately. Anna Stretton is a fashion designer in New Zealand. She is quite successful and truly one of my favourite designers from New Zealand and I can affort her stuff. So here is what she wrote about Miley and her recent antics.
- While I am on about Miley Cyrus this week Sinead O'Connor wrote this a couple of weeks ago. I think it something that teenage girls should read and digest.
- Then there is the problem I had with my smart phone and in the end a factory resent was needed. Thank goodness for You tube and its contributors for this little clip and now I am back communicating with the world.
- Onto photography and few little things you can do to improve your photos by Suzy Q
- Finally all about smiling. Especially as some of you will be thinking about those photos to go with your Christmas cards.