Sunday, 20 February 2011

New 52 week 7

I have been on this journey. 

Being a fit and healthy weight is really important for me. It shows me I value mind, my body and my soul (well I hope that is helped too). Without these things then the rest of my life struggles.

This year I managed to start the year at an idea weight for me. I was working really hard on my fitness through the couch to 5 km programme and even managed 3 christmas days, yes I know 2 too many, and 12 days camping to this day working on a maintenance plan.

I hope that I am setting a great example for my children about eating well not binging or the other extreme of not eating. Eating a balance of food including treats ocassionally. Showing my children that exercise is important. It makes me happier, it makes me more positive about life and ...oh....yes I feel less stressed.

So fingers crossed for the year that I can maintain where I am at. I can climb back up if I fall off the path I am on. That I acquire no injuries to prevent me exercising and I continue to love everything I have achieved.

credits can be found here at Nuts4Digi

3 weeks after I wrote this for my scrapbooking page I am still going strong.  Part of this challenge for me is too look after myself in everyway.  Today we were going to a family function, a 4 year old birthday.  I decided to hunt through my wardrobe to see what was in there.  Trust me I am on a mission to take care of my appearance.  To take pride in it.  I managed to find this cute little dress that now fits again, put on some jewellery and a little make up and off I went feeling pretty good.  When we got home this evening  I got my 7 year to take a photo.  Sadly it looks like I have been out all day at a childrens party and my hair well when you have that much hair it is difficult to stop it looking like a puff ball.  But the key for this week was that I made a big effort and that is something I have not done for such a long time.

Ok so the photo is not great but there I am.

This post is part of a challenge posed by Listgirl.  Her blog can be found here where you can read more.