Sunday, 1 November 2009

Working and much more.

I have been a slack blogger of late. Life has had me really busy and my husband has been home. Yes. I blog mainly when he is away and he has just gone away on a 12 day trip Auckland (home) Hong Kong London Hong Kong and back.

Life has thrown a lot our way in the last couple of weeks. Firstly everyone, except me, got a bad gastro bug. McKenzie really only caught the 24 hour variety, DH and Andre caught the 4 day bug and of course Hayden and this bug do not sit nicely together. In fact this is the bug that cause the brain atrophy all those year ago. Of course it is not the identical bug but you know what I mean.

I must say once Andre fell ill we tried really hard to sanitize our house etc etc but without fail. By the Saturday morning about 10am, Hayden was showing all the symptoms of a vomiting bug. I quickly finished mowing the lawns and had a shower, as you do in these situations, dragged the hospital bag out of the cupboard, checked the list twice and off we went. Now I know that it might see strange that I took time to finish were I was and have the shower but I have been caught short in hospital no shower, bag anything for the night and I did wonder if we were going to be admitted.

Middlemore hospital is our closed and with open letter in hand we are allocated a bed. By now Hayden is showing all the signs of dehydration but I know he has a port a cath so not a problem. Instant access to a vein so fluid can be administered. Alas not to be. This hospital rarely has to deal with such technology so two hours later discharged and sent to Starship Hospital down the road.

By now it is 2pm and the following 6 hours entail plenty of IV fluids, blood tests etc etc while still in ED. Surprise surprise we are sent home. Hmmmmm it is to good to be true and by 9am the next morning we are back at hospital, his consultant is called and by 930am we know a night in hospital is in store.

Much more of the same...more fluids, blood tests and anti nausea drugs. By 4pm finally we are in a ward, an Orthopedic ward no less, in isolation. More fluids, blood tests more more more. At least isolation means a room of your own and I get a bed not a mattress on the floor.

Sunday is now well on its last hours and the nurse has woken me 5 times before midnight. (I am due to start a new job the next day does she not know this.)

Monday morning and the vomiting has stopped but now the other end is going. Haydens electrolytes are still well out of kilter and I have to ring my new job and say I am going to be late, persuade my ill husband that hospital is a good place for him too so I can go to work for half a day.

Finally at 7pm Monday Hayden is home with a medical plan and the bug.

Nothing like a little drama in our life.

credits can be found here at Nuts4Digi


Isn't it funny how life sometimes is imitated. Children can be caught imitating their parents both the good and the bad. Sometimes I think that children can provide their parents with a timely look at ourselves and other times are really something to smile about. I took these photos of Hayden, even though life has given him many challenges to overcome, he was busy imitating Dad in the bathroom.

The credits are here at Nuts4Digi

I smile because I know that the back of the shaving cream will be the closest that Hayden will ever get to holding his own shaver, because the imitation really was just done perfectly and the power of observation should never be under estimated no matter what the cognitive capacity is, and finally it was just one of those perfect father and son moment.

Here's hoping there will be many more.

P365 week 41 and 42

It is just incredible to think that I now only have 10 weeks worth of photos to scrap. I find that I am now thinking about how I will get my book published and bound for prosperity and if there is anything about 2009 I should photograph for further reference. I anyone can think of anything that would be great to look back on and should include post a comment on my blog.

Anyway on to the pages.

week 41

The credits can be found here at Nuts4Digi

week 42

The credits can be found here at Nuts4Digi