Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The Foot Saga Continued.

Hayden dislikes any intervention when it comes to his health and well being.

So this is what it looks like when you weight for an xray.

 Scared still.  Not wanting to go in the room.  Three nurses and me to get the xray.

Than after another long wait,  sedation,  he finally had a back plaster and padding to be worn another 3 days before  it all would be finally be removed. 

So Hayden, recovering from sedation and the nausea again feeling sorry for himself.

Hospital visits are such a trauma for him.

Monday Menu 11 August

Here is this weeks menu is as follows

Monday  Pumpkin Soup and homemade bread. (too many sick people in the house to do much else)

Tuesday  Barbecue Beer Braised Beef

Wednesday Beef and vegetable pies with salad.

Thursday stir fry beef

Friday  spaghetti carbonara

Saturday Tuscan Margherita pizzas

Sunday  Left overs

I am linking this post to I'm an Organising Junkie