With all of that under her belt I have to say that she has been very inspired by her teacher this year and the effort DD has put in reflected this. So I should not have been surprised when she walked away from the end of year prize giving with a certificate acknowledging this effort for the year. Yet another moment and another child to be proud of.

Credits Everything for this LO was from Donna Duncombes Winter Delights, fonts are Depressionist Three and typewriter royale 2000
It did make me sit and wonder what it is that makes me as a parent proud. Is it just the academic successes or something more. I have made a conscious effort this year to discuss the need to make good choices with DD. This has required her to think long and hard about what makes good friends, what constitutes appropriate behaviour, consequences for poor choices and so on. I have sat through the tears, hers not mine this time, the smiles, the sound of pleasure when she achieves and the growing confidence as the year progressed. She has faced all of this and learnt many of life's little lessons. This too makes me proud. I know that she takes a great deal of care with her brothers especially DS1. For this I am proud too.