Monday, 30 March 2009

Little Tearaways.

I have moments when I wish I had more help around my house. DD does speech making sessions. When DH is away I am in the position to take DS's 1 and 2 with me. Now at 4 pm at the end of a term at school both little Mr's are full of energy and not great when it comes to using their ears.

Luckily the venue we are at has a small community hall the boys are able to make use of. Well this particular Tuesday, just last week, they spent the 30 minutes charging up and down the hall using their best voices, opening and shutting the doors and in general making a lot of noise and thoroughly enjoying themselves.

By now DS1 concerta has well worn off and he is hyperactive to the maximum. DS2, 5years, tells me that they were really good, did as they were asked and had fun. Meanwhile I am there thinking how I wish they would keep the noise down so as to not disturb the lesson, stop going in and out of the doors and generally listen just a little more.


This is the one photo I took and made into a LO showing all of this.

Credits; paper from Spreading the Cheer kit by WW, scatter dots and frame from Kicking up the Leaves kit by WW
staple from Being Me by WW, heart holes from Ho Owls You by Cinnamon Design
alpha (recoloured) from Rock a Motion kit by Cinnamon Designs, WA Thoughtful a blog freebie, sorry it unpacked loose and I dont know by who. Fonts are Vaguely Repulsive and Underwood 1913

We are ready.

It is autumn here. We are still getting lovely warm sunny days but cooler night. This last weekend we finally did the last push on collecting our fire wood. It has taken for ages, well since the middle of January to complete this process.

Firsty we are really lucky that my parents have a 16 acre block of land with a large grove of a renewable resource, pine trees.

So in January the right number of trees for two families had to be fell. At that time they need to be trimmed of their branches, cut into rounds and then left to dry out in the summer days.

Next a splitter needs to be hired and about 3 days of splitting to logs takes place. The final step is to collect and stack the wood.

Well this weekend just gone we completed the last stage, collecting and stacking the wood. My bones ache, I'm tired but I know that we will be dry and warm all winter long.

I have to admit at this stage that, in our house, we are softies. Winter will involve only getting a couple of frost all winter long and it never ever gets close to snowing. This being so, I still can't stand the cold, even the temperatures we get. It must the those years of living on the equator in Brunei that has turned me into a softy, or so my DH says. I prefer to walk around with a t'shirt and shorts on with the fire going strong than to wear all my warm clothes inside with nothing warmer to put on when I go out.

It also saves us heaps of money by not using the drier. I can dry my clothes in front of the fire overnight while saves electricity use. Yah.

Don't think we are cold enough yet to light the fire. That is about 6 - 8 weeks away depending how wet things get and how much asthma DS2 is faced with this winter.