As I have been computerless the last few days I thought that I would just make one long post with all the photos and then move on from then. Naturally I still have computer issues so I will have only a few days before I will no access to the internet again.
Day 21 is a photo of two of my children box carting. It was just so much fun and we spent about an hour going up and down the hill we had found. The boxes we destroyed by the time we were done but there are plans to go again this week. Boxes have been collected in anticipation.

Day 22 is a day of chalk drawings on our driveway. DS1 just loves this activity and the beauty of it is to clean the chalk off you just wait for rain or in our case just wash the car on the spot

Day 23 ...Eggs. These always remind me of the my DS1. He has a medical condition which inhibits his urge to eat. Whenever he thinks that he is hungry he mentions he would like an egg to eat. We cook it up, he eagerly sits at the table peels it and then says he is not hungry and does not like it without ever having taken a bite from it.

Day 24 peace reigns in our house when all the children are asleep. Here is DS1 fast asleep.

Day 25. As we had a stay at home holiday this year DH and I decided that a swing would provided added entertainment in our front yard. We have a massive Liquid Amber Tree and a tyre swing is just the perfect addition to it.

Day 26. There is nothing better than a summer treat. Eating an ice block. The photo says it all.

Day 27. A fun moment with DS2.

Day 28 finally. The Liquid Amber tree in our yard puts on the most magnificent autumn display. While it is not autumn here yet I spied this one fabulously coloured leaf. I wish I had a camera that was more than a point and snap to take a better photo, but I dont so here is my shot.