Sometimes all the renovating we have been doing just doesn't seem worth it. Today was just one of those days. The worst part of it is that this room is the last one of the house that needs the plastering done, the priming/ sealing painted on, the painting and not to mention a new bath in and this time I will have to learn how to tile in the splash zone.
Then the finishing touches, extractor and light will need to go in and a towel rowel hung and that is it. The basic and mirror are in great condition.
Who knows how long it will take us to finish this but maybe in a month we will be well and truly just tying up the loosing ends in each bedroom.
So thanks to my own little troupe of home handymen, my father and husband, for taking up to 3 days to work out how to build a frame for the new bath...(without laughing too much I must comment here that the bath did come with instructions for building a frame but they were not discovered until half a days thinking had gone into)

I will back into the plastering tomorrow.