I wonder if it is because life has been so busy I haven't had time sit and reflect on what is going on.
This weekend, for example started with a very busy friday night.
DD had 4pm hockey practice and DS1 needed to be dropped at Wilson Home, the place where is in residential respite care ideally before 4.30pm. Right I had to be in two separate parts of Auckland all at the same time. Thanks to my Dad hockey was taken care of and I was off on the trip from the southern tip of Auckland across the harbour bridge in peak hour traffic. To cut a long story short at 7.30pm I finally get home and put my two little cherubs to bed. I am exhausted.
Saturday we are up and leave home at 7.40am to get to hockey by 8.00. The game is at 8.30 and it is 10 degrees F and raining. We have no heating as last years version broke and after shopping for a gas heater. Its lunchtime by now and all the household chores need doing. 8.30pm I collapse into bed.
Sunday up and out to swimming for 8.30am then off to church and a practice for DD after. Another 12.00 arrival back at home. Get tonight diner done and the children have play date. Finally off to collect DS1 by 4pm with all children in bed lights out and asleep by 7.15. I am left to tidy the house and do ironing before I go to bed.
At least the sun was shining today.
I am amazed I can even think as I sit here to blog.
Phew After all of this I leave you with a page I made of DD for the Font Challenge I host over at Nuts4Digi.
Oh my how you Sparkle

credits can be found here at Nuts4Digi