This is the third year on Good Friday that my children and I have made marshmallow eggs and coated them in chocolate.
Each child has a turn to make their own marshmallow and participate in the mess task of coating everything in chocolate, and I really mean everything. So after a long and exhausting morning each child had complete their batch. I heard everything from... when is it my turn.... how much longer do i need to stir... when can I ....Is it time to ....really the list of questions was endless. When I sat down at the end of this I had to smile at how much fun each child had had. I smiled too at how this tradition had become something which my children can wait to participate in.
This is the first year that my DH has been home to participate in the egg making experience. Usually he is out of the country with work. I am not sure how happy he felt as crowd control was his department this year. Holding back the eager, and at times tetchy, participants does require patients.
Here is McKenzie coating her marshmallow with chocolate.

Hayden just loves using the beater and here he is at the final moments of making marshmallow

Finally Andre really had a ball doing his chocolate work.