As a result of all of these little changes we have been filling up our days with fun and frivolity.
On our first day free of these things we spent a very pleasant and long afternoon at Kariotahi Beach. DD is really on top of riding the waves on here board and loves it. She has had her little board since she was 4 years old and cant wait to graduate to something bigger. I think she is trying to tell me that she wants to learn to surf. Hmmmm that will need some serious consideration on my part.
Well this photo just captures everything I have just written about. Look at her face and the pleasure she is getting from the surf.

Day 13s photo is another take on a photo of me. I must say that I do not like having my photo taken and anything to disguise me I like. Well today was just another in the many days of renovating. I am in the process of plastering a space which is about 1m by 4m minus some doors. Not being a professional but a handy home DIY type I seem to put on an abundant supply of plaster with the need to then sand it back to the desired place. As a result dust goes everywhere. Just look at me in today's photo.

We are just about at the end of this job. I have plastered the walls in our entire house. Meaning 166 square meters of house has had my handy touch applied to them in the last 12 months. How did I learn this skill I hear you asking. Well I we down to our local mega hardware store when they were having a ladies night. Asked the handy men at the display how to, bought the tools and product and happily went home to tell my husband I knew how to save us about $10,000. The rest is history.
Finally I am posting two LO's I have completed to do with this project.
The first is my first weeks photos all on only page.

Credits are brown background paper, journalling tags, split pins, word art, acrylic tag all from Life 365 by WW, patterned paper , recoloured, from Snapshot kit by Cinnamon Designs, Stitching from Swirly Stitches from Cinnamon Designs frames and stem from Full of Wonder kit from WW. Fonts are traveling typewriter, SA Inkspots and Hiccups
And my very first photo of the project

credits are Everything from Full of Wonder kit from WW except acrylic date tab from Life 365. Font is Reisling and SA Inkspot