In our house books are really integral in our lives. My DD has an incredible appetite for reading, and not just one type of book, but everything from fiction to non fiction, drama, fairies, ghosts, traditional and modern authors. At the moment I am reading to her The Monstrous Memoirs of a Mighty McFearless by Ahmet Zappa. Boy it is a story full of imagination and drama of the monster catching variety. She is reading everything and anything she can get her hands on. It doesn't matter if she has read it before, an easy read or one that will take days to finish.
So in honour of her love of books I have created a page.

The credits can be found
Then there is page made with Donna Duncombes A Mothers Love kit and Vaguely Repulsive font.

I feel that books can empower the reader in some way so I hope DD finds plenty to inspire and empower her.