These holidays for me alway give me a chance to sleep more, read more and notice the little things in life. But most of all they really give me time to appreciate my family and how wonderful each and everyone of them are.
We go camping on a no electricity tent site. Now don't be fooled into thinking I can do without any luxuries in life....mine just happen to be a clean flushing toilet and a clean hot shower (with hot water for not less than five minutes long). I need my phone just incase Haydens respite care facility needs to get in touch with me.
My favourite things to do involve not wearing a watch, playing board games with my family and relaxing. Ofcourse listening to the gentle waves washing up on the sand helps keep me at peace.
So if I was to bottle it I think you would find
- the sound of waves gently washing up on sand
- time, plenty of it with nothing to fill it.
- happy and contented family.
- clean facilities for my benefit
- and sunshine.
I sure do not like and would not include
- rain....tenting and rain to not go nicely together
- too much to do.