Can you believe that in now less than 100 days Christmas will be upon us. I guess the shops know this because my local Supermarket has already go decorations etc on their shelves. All they need is the music to match and it really would be in the full Christmas mode.
This did prompt me to take a look in my gift container to see what I have accumulated. I like to be really organised when it comes to this time of the year. So now, thanks to the supermarket, I have a list so I know what I have, what I might be looking out for and a rough idea of the budget I have for these things.
I stumbled across this site
listplanit which helps you have a look at an organised Christmas. Go a couple of great ideas already. It really suits me as I am a plan and list type person.
I have to say I am looking quite organised and need to be as DD has a birthday in December and DS2 has one early January.
Here is my gift box. Well the bottom box is.