So moving a house takes a lot more planning than I ever thought. So the first lesson I learnt in this phase was think of how much time it will take to do things and double it. That will minimize any further stress being added to your life.
So moving a house 30km to you site goes something like this.
1.Here is another look at the house in its original site. The owners of the site had to clear everything from the site so the house could be moved off. The garage out the side had to be demolished carefully before any work could be done because of the asbestos in it. Thankfully we did not have to do any of this as it was in the contract clearly laid out.
2. A builder comes inside and prepares the house for cutting. I don't have any photos of this phase but you can see in this shot the vertical cut line between the top and bottom story along with the large brick chimney demolished.
Inside because the house is going to be cut right down middle on both top and bottom story, doors and door frames need removing, a couple of windows need removing. and inside the house needs bracing.
Inside lounge and dining room. Yes they are mirrored tiles on the wall. |
Garage gone. |
This is a much more invasive process than I thought it would be but there was no turning back. Not that we wanted to anyway. After two weeks of work the house was ready for the next phase.
Next blog post will be the move.