Hayden was in Respite Care for a week so that the whole family could go and participate in life as ordinary families do. I get a chance to sleep in and sleep through the night and the children get to things without having the restraints that Hayden brings upon us. I know this might sound harsh to some but that is just how it is with Hayden in our life. I work really hard to protect and unite the rest of us as it would be very easy for Hayden to unwittingly pull us apart.
Anyway the first three days were full of hockey. We were very proud of DD and her efforts playing hockey. She is only 8 and is playing up against girls more likely to be 10 or 11 years old. Size is a serious issue for her as she is small for her age and young again many of the others but really persued excellence in her game. She has learnt just so much about the game of hockey this year and is passionate about it too. So here she is in action.
Sweeping the ball to another team member

In action with the opposition

It was the first time our children had been to Rotorua. It is a very touristy place. People go there to experience traditional Maori culture and the geothermal activity that takes place. Then there is the adventure tourism. All just so much fun. It is very iconic New Zealand really. So here are some photos just to show a little of what we did.
Rock climbing

A lovely afternoon luging. Adventure tourism for children and adults alike. The photo is not a good one but you can get the idea. Put one or two on a toboggan like machine and use gravity to go down hill as fast as you can.

Then a morning looking at the geothermal activity. As you can see from the photo the children as exaggerating the smell and behind them is the steam being produced from the boiling mud.

Naturally it was raining while we did the walking around the geothermal events.
Later that day we went swimming in a nature warm mineral pool. It was found out in the forest and free. Two and a half hours later we emerged from the water. What a fun day. I will put some photos up about this soon.
Well that's it. Our trip in summary.