Port a cath....I forget that in our house everyone knows what this medical device is but most people would not have even heard of one. It is a device that is inserted into Hayden's vein near his heart and enables easy access for his monthly blood tests. It also is handy when he need hospitalisation for IV fluids to be administered.
Here is a picture of Hayden showing off his medical devices. Thank you to the tax payers of New Zealand for all the medical intervention Hayden gets. DD took the photo for a school project about modern technology in our house. I guess this was a unique photo amongst the class.

Anyway back to the surgery bit. I found out yesterday that surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday. A very quick notification for surgery which is surprising as the health system, in my experience, is not known for it speed.
I am really grateful for the surgery happening now even though I hate the thought of trying to entertain Hayden with an IV lure in, nurse him through the nausea he get from anesthetic so he can be discharged much later in the day.
I really am grateful
that the surgery is happening now and not in the middle of winter
that there will be a play specialist there to help, fingers crossed
I will have time to give Hayden his Rubifen before we go
the staff at Starship Day Stay know Hayden
I will get to sleep in my own bed and not on a mattress in a ward
That DH is home for my other children