1. School is over for the year. I know that it has been a busy year for us all and of course we are all tired but I cant wait for the holidays and to spend quality time with my children.
Okay it is not that easy to get a great photo of them all but here are the little cherubs.
2. I am so proud of my daughter. She won a trophy at prize giving this week. This was for Dilligence and effort. Such a wonderful group of attributes for anyone to possess. Now the photo is not great because she had been crying because we are having to move her out of this school and she got very emotional about it.
3. I have scrapped. For the first time in weeks. I actually cant wait to get back into it now I have time and energy...well almost do.
The credits can be found here.
4. It is Christmas time. I am always conscious that our children need to not only get excited about all the trimming and trappings but also to appreciate that Christmas is not such a great time for many. So this year we are going out to purchase a gift for a needy little boy this Christmas. We don't know who he is but my children cant wait. I hope that we will be able to make this some sort of tradition.

5. Finally a christmas carol to sing along to.
I just love Celines voice.
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