Tuesday 15 June 2010

It's cold

It is no secret that I do not like the cold.  If I had a choice I would not live in any place where the temperature meant I need a sweatshirt on at any part of the day.

So this little post is to help me keep warm.

It is only 7.4 degrees outside (9.30pm) and so we are predicting a rare moment in Auckland, a frost. 

Now I just need sound-a-vision and feel-a-vision (words coined by me) on my computer so I can stay warm as I sit here in the unheated part of the house.

Have a fabulous day.


canpeg said...

Oh Tamara, that looks so inviting ! I used to have a wood stove, and cook on it, but the work involved getting the wood, storing and chopping it, then bringing it in every day ... well the novelty has worn off, when I moved into town, that was a solution to the guilt LOL

G.I. said...

I'm with you, hate the cold weather — was only 6 deg here this morning, brrrh!!!

Sarah said...

Oooooh I'd love one of those in Australia right now too.

(dropping in from Wordless Wednesday & having a look round)