It is amazing how time flies. I have been so busy in my house that I think I will be busy wiping cobwebs off until Christmas....and oh boy Christmas is less than 100 days away so not far.
Well what has life been throwing at me. Since I last posted I have got my house ready to sell. Sold it in 10 days and then packed and moved a house load of belongings. Then of course we had no place to move into so my wonderful parents, once again opened their house up so that we could have a place to stay. So in cabins, yes two of them, my husband and I have a bedroom and in another is one child. Two children are inside each with their own bedrooms.
So we have been busy trying to work out our next step. That has taken a lot of time and energy.but finally the solutuon to our long term housing needs has been decided. The next exciting adventure in our lives has begun.
Our needs were specifically related to my disabled son and the need for my other children to have space. A place for peace and quiet, a place to study, and a place where the bathroom facilities are clean. I know the last one is an unusual item on the list but essential when you have a child who does not appear capable of using a toilet without flooding the bathroom. Hmmmmm
Luckily we had access to purchase a piece of land but to build was prohibative to fill our needs. So we came up with a solution that comes with some risk. We are going to move a large house from a place about 30 kilomerters from out land. How very exciting for us but very stressful and keeping us, in our house, very busy.
There is no doubt that I am going to have plenty to blog about in the weeks, months and years to come as we move this house on and fully renovate it.
So while we take a break from the stress of ordinary everyday life with two teenagers (one being disabled) and tweenage boy I will be able to catch up on some sleep, make some new lists of things to do, clear my brain ready for some of those creative decisions that will need to be made to get the house ready for use to live in.
Oh yes the weather is terrible. While we have no control over this fingers are all crossed in our house that the rain goes away so the ground is firm enough and the weather dry enough to cut a house into 6 pieces and move it onto site.

A photo taken while Iwas out walking,,,yes in the reain. |