Thursday, 10 March 2016

That Home Remedy

There is nothing like a little toe fungi caught while away with a group of hockey playing girls.  I think I must have bought shares in a pharmacy trying hard to clear the toes of one daughter from this fungi.  So she googled, yes was desperate enough to use Dr Google, a home spun remedy.   White vinegar in hot water.   

With bucket in hand and still some coins in my wallet as vinegar is relatively cheap to purchase.  Dilligently sitting for 20 minutes at a time soaking her toes in the hope for a cute.  Finally after still no success a visit to the doctor informed us that the cheapest remedy was the beach.  Yes you read it here  time at the beach in the fresh salty air, salt water of the ocean and bare feet was the most reliable cure.   Hmmmmm I wish I had known that earlier.

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